My name is Bill Dexter – my sister Elizabeth Stockwood and I are the “Moose Pond” Lake Smart reps. Lake Smart is a no cost, no risk, all reward way to learn about how our properties impact our wonderful Moose Pond. The process is really simple. Just contact either of us and we will schedule a time to survey your property (the owner can be there or not as you choose) and then we will give you a report on the impact your property might be having on the lake and tips to try to improve this – and – if you qualify you will get a cool plaque to proudly display both lakeside and roadside at your camp/home. If you decide to implement any of the suggestions, Moose Pond Association even has a grant program to help defray the costs!
Currently there are relatively few properties/owners who have gone through the Lake Smart program on Moose Pond. Elizabeth and I are eager to hear from you, meet with you and help us all “live lightly on Moose Pond” !
Here is our contact information:
Bill Dexter
89 Wyman Way
Cumberland Center, ME 04021
64 Hio Ridge Shores North
Bridgton, ME
207-232-0726 cell
Elizabeth Stockwood
18 Ardley Place
Winchester, MA 01890
26 Hio Ridge Shores North
Bridgton, ME