by Roy Lambert • Regional Lakesmart coordinator
LakeSmart is a program that teaches property owners how to manage their property(s) to reduce or eliminate storm water runoff and related erosion into their lakes and/or ponds. Responsible land management reduces the potential for catastrophic lake algae blooms. LEA serves as the regional sponsor and administrative hub for the statewide LakeSmart program.
MPA is proud to recognize
both the dedicated volunteers
who make the LakeSmart
program possible, and the
owners who have participated
in the program this season.

Properties that are inspected and deemed as being particularly lake-friendly receive a LakeSmart Award, with two accompanying signs for display at the owner’s shoreline and at the end of the driveway.
MPA is proud to recognize both the dedicated volunteers who make the LakeSmart program possible, and the owners who have participated in the program this season.
Moose Pond’s LakeSmart team is comprised of three evaluators who walk lakeshore properties and make suggestions for minimizing or eliminating storm water runoff into their lake. Moose Pond’s team is Bill Dexter, Peter LaPolice, and Elizabeth Stockwood.
2023 Lake Smart Participants with Award Winners Highlighted*
- Robert Bickford
- Jason and Christine Chasse
- Jim Gilchrist and Maria DelBaccaro*
- Stacy Lamson
- Peter LaPolice
- Michael McLeod*
- PJ and Pam Ricatto*
- Rick and Chris Siegrist*
- Hio Ridge Shores Association*
- The Narrows Lot Owners’ Association
The MPA thanks each of the property owners listed above for helping to ensure that Moose Pond stays pristine for generations to come.If you want to have your property examined, contact us at